Crowns Emax 12,13

The less time I have, the better they get 🤷‍♀️… I try to relax, open up my heart and to put aside perfectionism. I think this is an idea to get forward with my technique to restore/renovate teeth, to increase my average level and become a better technician. I may follow the intuition, when I’m busy with shape and colour. It helps to get there in time and to get them „seated“ well.
12,13 lithium disilicate crowns (pressed, LT) functional palatal guidance-areas fully protected with framework, remaining areas veneered. Usual workflow was stopped with a rudimentary-internal-characterization. 
And last but not least, lithium disilicate is magic. What would we be without? Have a good day!

Smile Design

Mit der neuesten Technologie, dem Tool Smile Design von 3 Shape, erstelle ich eine virtuelle Simulation der geplanten Restauration. Die funktionellen Aspekte werden von Anfang an, wenn notwendig mit einem zusätzlichen eingescannten Wax-up, sorgfältig berücksichtigt. Nachträgliche gewünschte ästhetische Anpassungen können, sofern es die Funktion zulässt, durch ein paar Klicks berücksichtigt werden, bis das generierte Design für alle beteiligten Personen grundsätzlich in Ordnung ist.

Die konstruierten Modelle lasse ich bei der nahegelegenen Swissdentalprint (Seiler Scheidegger) 3D-drucken. Diese dienen als Basis für weitere fallspezifischen Schritte wie z.B. Mock-up, Präp-Plan und/oder Provisorium (Tiefziehschiene, Eierschalenprovisorium oder Silikon-Schlüssel für Chairside).

Die Fotos können auf Wunsch auch bei mir im Labor gemacht werden.

Weiteres Beispiel inkl. Clip mit ein paar Zwischenschritten: Scan, Smile Design, Provi (Schiene), Präp-Plan, Einprobe und Abgabe.

Linkl: Clip Veneers 12-22 Step-by-Step mit Smile Design

Philosophy: Life!

I love life and everything alive, most things are alive. Three days ago, there was an amazing conference with incredible speakers about that at Kunsthaus Zürich. It changed my mind quite a bit. There were Artists, philosophers, and professors. A highlight was that we should stop talking about „NATURE“ and rather think (and try to talk) about „life“, „source of life“ or similar. When using the term nature, it appears as something different, far away, but we are actor of it. The funny thing was the title of the conference was “Intelligent NATURE”, but anyway, its good thing, feeling integrated into life and seeing life everywhere – I wish our society going towards “equal rights for ALL”.


Picture about what I am doing five days a week. Imitating life – stained on zirconia.

Knowhow: The Best Material

Because I usually look for the hardest material with the desired degree of opacity/translucency I started with my stl. dummy to mill/press/print different materials and sort them in a chart. That gives me a neutral overview of the property – so I need less sales-reps in my lab and know whats REALLY good;) I coloured the inside of the dummy/copping with black colour, so its like a black die. the left side shows monolithic anatomy, the right side a reduced copping for ceramics/composite/PMMA what ever (0,5mm thickness)… No 17 is the most opaque of the tested materials (L*88 with my photo setting on 0,5mm thickness), No 3 the most translucent. I just measured the value of the colour. Maybe you can use it or you do something similar. This map will certainly be expanded with more materials. Have fun and a good day! Best regards, Nando Aeschlimann

1 Emax LT
3 Emax HT A1
4 Vita Triluxe A1
5 Weithas Provisorien Kunststoff A1
6 Vita Cad Temp A1
7 Katana UTML A1
8 Katana ML A light
9 CADtools Multilayer SHT ML A1
10 CADtools Transluszent SHT Color A1
11 CADtools 3D Multilayer A1
12 Ivoclar Zirkon (transluzent) Color A1
13 Ivoclar Prime A1
14 Ivoclar Zircad LT-1
15 Ivoclar Zircad MO-1
16 Kulzer Multilayer A Light
17 Kulzer Zirconia Farbe White
18 Kulzer Zirconia HT
19 Zirconia HTE
20 Lava Ultimate HT A1
21 Lava Ultimate LT A1